Looking to promote your company or college through custom made neckties? You know it better than anyone else: your logo / seal / crest is a crucial part of your identity; it is the window of your organization, your brand’s signature. Imagine APPLE without the famous - even half eaten - apple, would MERCEDES without its recognizable star or PRINCETON without its emblematic orange and black tiger… Just unthinkable!
When it comes to promotional logoed ties, some companies or colleges like their logo or seal to be unique, some prefer it repeated. Some like it small, some prefer it big. Some like it to stand alone, some prefer it to be incorporated in a striped design. Our job is to understand your needs and meet your expectations. If you don’t have specific requirements our design studio will work on different options. Rely on professionals’ skills and trust ANNE TOURAINE USA Custom Scarves and Ties designers to do the job.
Here are just a few examples of different custom logoed ties we created for fraternities,colleges, corporations and other organizations:
Fraternity logoed custom tie with logo positioned next to the knot
Fraternity logoed custom tie with logo centered halfway on the tie
logoed custom tie with logo centered halfway on the tie
Logoed custom tie with logo at the bottom of the tie
Logoed custom tie with logo at the bottom of the tie
Logoed custom tie with logo at the bottom of the tie
Choose the style you prefer and let ANNE TOURAINE USA Custom Scarves and Ties design studio do the rest. We will create your custom tie design for free and will spend the necessary time to produce an artwork which fully satisfy you!